
Relish your taste buds to Europe’s Best chocolates

The power of chocolates must never be underestimated. It transcends you to a different world altogether, sending you to a state of utter bliss by its sheer indulgence. But there are some chocolates that titillate your senses further. There are numerous chocolate brands available in the market, only few are most desired. The reason being […]

Visit The Charming Champs-Elysees!

The Champs-Elysees is a perfect insight into the Parisian culture. From quaint little cafes and bistros to luxury shopping points, the Champs Elysees has it all. Considered one of the most famous streets in the world, it is even considered to be one of the most expensive piece of real estate in Europe! Why? Read […]

Tour de France – A cyclist's paradise

The Tour de France is just about the most grueling cycling race in the world! A spectacle that has thousands of live and virtual fans, the Tour De France is a cultural statement that belies a deep passion for sports and the fervor surrounding it. Founded over a century ago by Henri Desgrange, the Tour […]

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